We are palm free because we love to work with ingredients that have less impact on deforestation. Approximately one third of the Earth is covered in forest, home to so much life.
Palm oil is sometimes referred to as the worlds most versatile oil. It is in nearly every industry of consumer goods from food to cosmetics and is in high demand world wide. The species of palm that gives us palm oil is Elaeis guineensis. It is grown commercially in Indonesia and Malaysia, the only two places in the world that are home to the Orangutan, or “person of the forest” in Malay words.
In 2022, the U.S. imported around 3.8 billion pounds of palm oil, up from 2.16 billion pounds in 2010. 3.8 billion pounds = 1,900,000 US tons. So, 1,900,000 US tons would be approximately equivalent to 16,888,889 Statues of Liberty, given the weight of one Statue of Liberty which weighs 225 tons!
Some 90% of tropical deforestation is a result of agricultural production. Beef and dairy production has been the leader in cause of deforestation but palm oil is following close behind. Palm oil production is closely associated with loss of habitat for the Orangutan, Sumatran Elephant and Sumatran Rhino, all of whom are critically endangered. (WWF) “Orangutan habitat in north Sumatra is being lost at an extremely high rate, mainly due to fire and conversion of forests to oil palm plantations and other agricultural development. This species depends on high-quality forests.”
It’s not all bad. Indonesia has significantly slowed their rate of deforestation since 2020. The palm industry has pulled many Indonesians out of poverty and improved their quality of life. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm was established in 2004 and certifies producers who meet the standards of being sustainable and legal while not negatively impacting the environment, wildlife, workers, or communities involved.Â
We are palm free but not anti-palm. There are now efforts to promote sustainable palm oil production which aims to address deforestation, habitat destruction, and social issues by encouraging responsible and environmentally friendly practices in the industry. Purchasing RSPO palm supports the enforcement of these regulations.
We focus on working with ingredients that are less impactful on the environment at this time. This brings some challenges and more complex and time consuming processes but also unique scents and textures that are beautiful and nourishing as well as peace of mind for all the living beings affected by palm production.